Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Indie Scene: Zoe Sharp

In my effort to do more to promote indie authors, I have been scouring the web looking for prospects to include on this blog. You will be pleased with this little gem from Zoe Sharp, Fox Five, which features short stories about a protection expert named Charlie Fox. Zoe is from the UK, which gives her a ton of credibility in my view as I have stated elsewhere that I think thriller writers from across the pond do it better than us Yanks here in the former colonies and U.S. thriller writers should do more to emulate our cousins' careful craftsmanship.

Ms. Sharp does not let one down on the writing or storytelling front; the word smiting is crisp and plots develop nicely.

Zoe brings us a nice set of adventures that cover several periods of Charlie's life, which gives the character a very fleshed-out feel. These are first-person efforts, so you get that inside-the-character's-head intimacy which I always appreciate, and there are plenty of thrills to be had as well. The extra features at the end, promoting Ms. Sharp's other work, are icing on the cake and make you want more.

So check out Zoe Sharp and Charlie Fox out at the Amazon Kindle store. You'll be glad you did!


  1. Hi Brian

    Wow, I'm honoured to be singled out - love the "cousins'careful craftsmanship". Nice alliteration, sir ;-]

  2. Wow, that "alliteration" was a total accident, I swear!

    I enjoyed your stories a lot.
